Elvenar gems solstice
Elvenar gems solstice

elvenar gems solstice

Even factoring in 10 evolutions of Stonehenge as a "grand prize" is problematic, since chance seems to be figuring in much more in this event than the Phoenix and even the best quest crushers are not guaranteed to roll lucky enough to get 10.Ĭlick to expand.I actually started a new city in Felydral to see if what my friends experienced trying to complete events was true. However, finishing is not required, since the rewards are all throughout the event (no single grand prize for finishing all quests). I can agree that folks who are entirely new to the game may not be savvy enough to complete the entire event questline. It might be a near thing, since I am woefully short on extra space (end of Dwarves), but I am hoping to push through and finish, especially since I have been getting a LOT of time instants.

elvenar gems solstice

I have been able to complete all events with both cities thus far, with 25 quests remaining for my small city in this one. I started a second city when my first was in S&D, I think. After learning a few tricks, I was able to plan ahead and finish events without too much stress. When I was new to the game, I did not finish the first few events (Wonky Walter started just about when I did, I think). It depends largely on play style and whether or not you are keeping future events in the back of your mind when considering scouting, clearing provinces, stockpiling goods, etc. I disagree that smaller cities are at a disadvantage, though. Even factoring in 9 evolutions of Stonehenge as a "grand prize" is problematic, since chance seems to be figuring in much more in this event than the Phoenix and even the best quest crushers are not guaranteed to roll lucky enough to get 9. If there is any way the game designers can make the events less time consuming and draining on our city’s resources, then the events would be enjoyable again and more players would be participating instead of being sidelined. If you don’t, you will only be able to make 2 Catalysts at a time, and as you advance in the questline, you will need more and more Combining Catalysts.

#Elvenar gems solstice upgrade

If you want to complete this quest quicker, you need to upgrade your Magic Academy. Because we’re stuck, we can’t complete the alternate quest to Research 1 Technology.Ĭollecting Combining Catalysts takes hours. Many of my friends, including myself, are in the Orcs chapter and find ourselves stuck on the tech tree until we can get all the resources required to finish the research. Why must there be a quest to gain such a high amount of spell fragments? I’ve practically disenchanted most of the event buildings in my inventory trying to complete the quests to Gain Spell Fragments. You may win battles but you lose more troops when you auto-battle. doesn't know battle strategy like elves and humans do. I've started auto-battling to speed it up but the A.I. Why must there be quests to complete over 56 tournament encounters? So glad there were only two quests to Gain a small amount of Supplies/Coins because I’m running low on supplies, coins and goods from having to recruit more troops and negotiate when I can’t fight in encounters. I know you don’t need to complete the event but when you can’t’ participate in an event, it makes you feel like the coach has benched you and all you can do is watch others having fun playing the game. New players struggle to complete the quests. The events are still catered to high-level players and, in my opinion, to players who spend diamonds. I’ve been playing Elvenar going on four years now and even I am finding the event quests a grind to complete.

elvenar gems solstice

I end up using up all my goods negotiating.

elvenar gems solstice

It’s hit and miss for me trying to gain relics on the World Map because all the provinces are Very Hard. Quests asking to complete tournament encounters or gain relics when the tournament is closed makes me not want to play the game until the tournament opens again. Just one quest can take a day or two to complete. But alas, my biggest complaint is these events are getting longer and longer to complete, and extremely draining on city resources. It’s nice when you can participate in an event and are able to add these buildings to your city. I love all the work the game designers and graphic artists do to make the event buildings in Elvenar enchanting and beautiful.

Elvenar gems solstice